How To Write A Thank You Email After An Interview

When you're looking for a job every little thing counts. You worked hard on your resume and answered all interview questions perfectly. You still need to finish your work though. After an interview a well written thank you note could be the thing that makes you stand out from the other candidates. This piece goes into great detail about the art of the thank you note after an interview looking at its purpose and the significant effect it can have on your chances of getting the job.

What Is A Thank You Note?

A thank you card is a short message sent to an employer or interviewer to show appreciation for their time and thought. This is a follow-up message to let them know you're still interested in the job and to review some important points you mentioned during the interview. Writing a nice thank you note can make a big impression on possible employers and affect how they decide what to do next.

How To Write A Thank You Letter After An Interview

Short, efficient, and specific to the conversation are all things that a good thank you note should have. Here is a list of the most essential parts:

Salutation: Use Mr., Ms., or Mx. followed by the interviewer's last name. If a group evaluated you, you can send each person a note or address them all as "Dear Hiring Manager [name] and the [Company name] Interview Team."

Expression of gratitude: Thank the interviewers for taking your time and for considering you for the job. Include the date of the interview and the job title that was discussed.

Reiterate Your Interest: Restate with enthusiasm that you're still interested in the job and the company. You can say quickly what thrills you about the chance.

Highlight Your Skills/Experience: Briefly discuss a specific skill or experience that fits well with the job standards discussed in the interview.

Next Steps: Say you're interested in learning more about the next steps in the job process.

Closing: Again, thank the interviewer for their time and thought. Close with something formal like "Sincerely" or "Best regards."

Signature (for handwritten notes): To be clear, please include your full name.

Distinct Kinds Of Thank You Notes For A Job Interview

The main parts of a thank you card stay the same, but the style and tone can be changed based on the interview situation. These are the different kinds of thank you notes you might need to write:

Standard Thank You Note: This is the most popular type of thank you letter and it works well for a standard conversation with just one person. It follows the pattern we discussed before: thanking them, showing interest again, and emphasizing important points.

Panel Interview Thank You Note: If you met with a group, sending a separate thank you note to each reviewer shows that you put in extra work and care. Address each note to a different interviewer and discuss something specific they mentioned. The main points should stay the same.

Follow-Up Thank You Note: Following up with a thank you email can be an excellent way to remind the company of your application if they have not replied after an acceptable time, usually a week. In this note, simply state again that you are interested and available. Keep it short and professional.

Thank You For The Rejection: Even if you've been turned down, showing thanks shows you're professional and polite. Thank the person for their time and thought and wish them best of luck with their search. This will make a good impression and lead to future opportunities within the company.

Informal Thank You Note: Sometimes an interview could take place in a more casual setting like over coffee or lunch. It is still okay to send a thank you text, but you can make the tone less official while still being professional.

Virtual Interview Thank You Note: The main point of a thank you note for a video interview stays the same. However, you can recognize the virtual structure and tell them you appreciate their flexibility. Remember that a well-written thank you note is an investment in your job search no matter its shape. It doesn't take much work but it can make a big difference in your chances of getting your dream job.

Why Should You Send A Thank You Note Following A Job Interview

It may seem like a routine to write a thank you card but it has several significant uses:

  • It shows that you are skilled and polite, which makes a good impression.
  • It makes you more excited about the job and keeps you in people's minds.
  • It lets you gently draw attention to a strength you discussed in the interview.
  • A well-written note shows you can communicate clearly in writing, which is essential for many jobs.
  • Sending a thank you note demonstrates that you are concerned and ready to go the extra mile.

Why Is It Necessary To Write A Thank You Note

Aside from the reasons already given, here are some more reasons to send a thank you note:

  • Shows Initiative: Writing a thank you note shows that you're bold and willing to do things independently, which are traits that most companies look for in employees.
  • Corrects Misconceptions: If you get stuck on a question or answer during the interview, you can explain or give more information in the thank you note.
  • Sets the Tone for Future Communication: Writing a positive and polite thank you note can make it easier for everyone to talk to each other during the hiring process.